“The Hong Kong Food Hackathon aims to disrupt the food system.. to move us into a place where we can grow, distribute and consume food in a way that’s healthier for us as individuals, as a society and for the planet” . (Susan Evans South China Morning Post Magazine 8th September 2019. P8)
This year, in 2019, The Hong Kong Food Hackathon took place over the weekend of 20-22nd September 2019. An Intensive, fun and creative weekend to tackle, and develop solutions to address one of our most pressing issues of our time the food system. At this time global leaders were being called into action to combat climate change. The world is being brought to account by young people who took to the streets. With demonstrations, activities and rally’s happening across the globe. Here in Hong Kong – The Hong Kong food hackathon 2019 – proposed alternative ways to tackle climate change, through re-imagining our food and the ingredients used to create new foods, in such a way that we might start to change both the impact driving climate change and lead to healthier individuals, society and environments. “Diets inextricably link human health and environmental sustainability.” Lancet commission report (2019).
What did the participants say?
“Food hackathon, fun and Amazing…try to explore more on plant food-based concepts” Participant HKFH.
“I could never believe before I started this weekend that we could do all this in one weekend”
“Intensive and fun”.
「香港食物駭客馬拉松旨在破壞食品系統......將我們帶到一個能夠以個人為單位,可以種植、分發及消費的地方,為我們的社會及星球帶來更健康的影響。」摘自《南華早報》雜誌 2019年9月8日第8 頁,蘇珊 · 伊凡斯的文章。
參加者說:「食品駭客馬拉松實在太有趣了...... 嘗試探索更多以植物為本的食物概念。」

Susan Evans
蘇珊 · 伊凡斯
Advisor, entrepreneur and change maker, has 20+ years in innovation, technology and creativity. Her focus is on the development of new regenerative eco-systems to drive next-economy business and society. Started her career as a mathematician with proven creative leadership. Previously, member of prestigious EU research and development projects, Fraunhofer institute, VP in global advertising with world leaders including Saatchi and Saatchi and Publicis London, FCB and Young and Rubicam San Francisco, CMO and strategic consultant for Silicon Valley digital start-ups and world leaders including Intel, Volvo, Pepsi-co.
Food system innovation is core to her work: launched Sky Farms in Shanghai 2010 and the Hong Kong Food Hackathon 2018 with intension to accelerate entrepreneurship and radical change in the food system. Evans is a frequent speaker, researcher and peer reviewed writer on innovation, systems regeneration and business transition.
蘇珊是一名顧問、企業家和變革者,她擁有超過廿年的創新科技與創意的經驗。她專注於開發新的可再生生態系統,銳意推動下一個經濟商業模式及社會發展。她一開始是一名具創意領導能力的數學家,她之前是歐盟硏發及發展項目、弗勞恩霍夫研究所的成員,曾於國際廣告公司Saatchi and Saatchi、倫敦的Publicis、FCB、三藩市的Y&R任職副總裁,以及在硅谷的數碼初創企業任首席營銷官,及為國際品牌包括Intel、Volvo、Pepsi等擔任策略性顧問。