Growing up in the city of Hong Kong, Adelaide gets accustomed to seeing affluent of meat product available in everyday diet. She noticed that the food production process and the life of animal removed from the mass population.
As she moved to the Netherlands for her study, she grew interested in the life of the animal, and the process of how it comes to the table.
Curious about her role as a designer as a mediator between food and design, Adelaide started by investigating the process of visiting a slaughterhouse. There she learned that all it takes to end a cow’s life is one bullet from a stun gun.
Her project 0.9 Grams of Brass brings insight into re-evaluating the value of life within the meat industry. Bring a new perspective of how we can perceive the cow's life form a mass-produced paperclip.
This project received the Future Food Design Award both Audience and Jury Award. The award is a joint initiative by Agri meets Design and The Dutch Institute of Food & Design. A total of 50 projects from 30 different countries nominated for this second edition.
Future Food Design Award Jury team:
"0.9 Grams of Brass tells a complicated story through a seemingly banal, everyday object. This brass paperclip looks subtly different from the average metal one. After buying one for 5 cents, you are left with the question what to do with it: give it a special place, use it as a paperclip, put it in a bottom drawer out of sight and forget it, throw it out, let it somehow linger in your subconscious?
The paperclip seems ambiguous on whether it aims to critique or ritualise and remember the taking of the life of a cow.”
In this unconference, Adelaide will share her journey as an investigator in the topic of the cow. She is envisioning to provide more in-depth understanding of the anthropocentric relationship between human and cow.
此項目榮獲未來食品設計大奬中的觀眾大奬以及評審團大奬。未來食品設計大奬是由Agri meets Design與荷蘭食品與設計學院聯合呈獻,第二屆的大奬有來自三十個不同國家超過五十個的提名項目。

Adelaide Lala Tam
Adelaide Lala Tam (Hong Kongese, based in the Netherlands) is a designer who dismantles industrial food production systems to gain a critical understanding of our modern relationship with food. Through designing food experiences, objects and stories, she communicates the complexities and nuances of this relationship in accessible ways that allow her audience to reconnect themselves to food ecosystems. Recently, her vending machine and video work ‘0.9 Grams of Brass’ won the Future Food Design Award 2018 for both the jury and audience categories, while the ‘Ultimate Milk Cow project’—a series of trophies representing categories in modern day milk production—featured among the Water School collection from Studio Makkink and Bey at Salone del Mobile Milan 2019.
譚君妍,成長於香港,現居荷蘭。她是一名設計師,旨於透過拆解工業食品生產系統以便對人們與食品的現代關係作品批判性理解。通過設計食品體驗、物件與故事,她以簡單的方式傳達這種關係的複雜性和細微差別,並使她的觀眾可以重新與食品生態系統接軌。近期她的自動售貨機裝置及錄像作品0.9 Grams of Brass曾於2018年未來食品(物)設計大奬(Future Food Desigh Award)的評審團及觀眾類別中榮獲大奬,同時她的另一作品Ultimate Milk Cow project – 一系列代表現代牛奶生產類別的奬杯,亦被Studio Makkink 以及Bey at Salone del Mobile Milan 2019作展出。