Surveillance Speaker (2018-2021)
監控揚聲 (2018-2021)
The audience can interact in a playful way how a computer can see. The Surveillance Speaker was exhibited in- and outdoor.
Dries Depoorter / BELGIUM
德賴斯‧德普爾特 • 比利時

Surveillance Speaker is an installation about surveillance and artificial intelligence. The artwork showcases in a critical way the latest breakthroughs in computer vision software. Surveillance Speaker exists out of a camera, computer and speaker. Through the speaker we hear what the camera sees in a sentence that starts with “I see...”. For example: “I see 3 people in an exhibition watching paintings”. The audience can interact in a playful way how a computer can see. The Surveillance Speaker was exhibited in- and outdoor.


Dries Depoorter • BELGIUM
德賴斯‧德普爾特 • 比利時

Dries Depoorter is a Belgium artist working with technology. His catchy and humorous work addresses themes such as privacy, social media, artificial intelligence and surveillance. Among his creations are several products such as apps, games and interactive installations. He studied electronics for six years before making the switch to art school. Today Dries Depoorter is exhibiting and holding talks internationally while working as a freelance concept provider that focuses on digital processes. Dries exhibited at the Barbican London, Art Basel, Mutek Festival Montreal, Bozar, Para Site Hong Kong, Mozilla The Glass Room San Francisco, IDFA Doclab, Mundaneum. FOMU, Ars Electronica, NRW, World Press Photo, WIRED25, HEK. Dries did talks for TEDx, MoMA, SXSW, Chanel, Adidas, Mutek Festival, STRP festival, Dutch Design Week and web2day.

德賴斯‧德普爾特是一位比利時藝術家,專注於科技範疇。他的作品引人入勝又富幽默感,探討主題涉及隱私、社交媒體、人工智能及監控等。他的創作媒介包括應用程式、遊戲及互動裝置。他在進藝術學院修讀前花了六年時間學習電子學,時至今日他的作品展出於不同的國際場口,亦時為演說講者,除此以外他也是一名自由工作者,專注於數位創作的概念創作人。他的作品曾於倫敦的巴比肯藝術中心、巴塞爾藝術展、蒙特利爾Mutek藝術節、布魯塞爾Bozar藝術中心、香港Para/Site、三藩市the Glass Room、阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片電影節IDFA DocLab、比利時Mundaneum、奧地利Ars Electronica、安特衛普FOMU、德國NRW、World Press Photo、荷蘭STRP藝術節、荷蘭設計周以及web2day等。