Connecting the Dots
Connecting the Dots is a media art archaeology project presented by Microwave in early 2021, which includes two key parts: the Web-zine & the Future Gallery. Through interviewing local media art practitioners from different generations and showcasing curated works online, this project plots many different key media/video art events, organisations and professionals which construct a brief picture of Media Art Development in Hong Kong since 70s. In this special occasion – the 25th anniversary of Microwave International New Media Arts Festival, this project is re-launched online together with our festival website, to encourage people to walk through this media art history in Hong Kong, as well as to project the future together by reviewing all the works in the future gallery.

《連點》 是
Microwave 2021年的線上項目
以媒體藝術考古為初衷,在回顧歷史的同時發想未來的可能性。項目分為上下部,前者是《連點誌》後者是《連點鑑》;《連點誌》是要在多個香港媒體藝術工作者身上找尋點線面藉以繪畫本地媒體藝術自七十年代開始以來的發展版圖;《連點鑑》則是一面超維度鏡子,透過展示作品的演變與進程,邀集觀者在虛擬世界觀照現實,照穿視察世道生相。 適逢今年是微波國際新媒體藝術節的廿五周年,《連點》項目連同2021年藝術節再次於線上推出,加插由策展預錄的線上導覽,讓觀眾可以一探/重溫這些紀錄與作品。這些由不同本地媒體藝術工作者繪成及指出的點,不單些編成過去也攜帶著一種探究精神與態度,在線上展區深化觀眾的體驗。
Online Tour 線上導賞活動
《連點 Connecting the Dots》線上導賞活動 第一回
《連點 Connecting the Dots》線上導賞活動 第二回
《連點 Connecting the Dots》線上導賞活動 第三回