AI-generated Human: Deepfakes, Deeptruths, and our Post-Digital Future
Speaker Bio 講者簡介
Pat Pataranutaporn is a multi-disciplinary technologist / scientist / artist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is a PhD student in the Media Lab’s Fluid Interfaces research group. Pat's research lies at the intersection of artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction and wearable computing, specifically the area of human-AI symbiosis and cognitive enhancement. Pat has previously worked with global collaborators including NASA TRISH, IBM Research, Bose, ASU, NTU on projects that examine the relationship between people and technology across applications and systems.
柏特‧柏特拉努珀是麻省理工學院 (MIT) 的跨學科科學家/藝術家/科技專才,他目前是MIT流動介面小組的博士生。柏特的研究專注介乎於人工智能、人機交互以及穿戴式媒體的計算機學三者之間,尤其是人機共生及增強認知領域。柏特曾經與多個國際機構合作,包括美國國家航空航天局 NASA TRISH、IBM硏究組、Bose、ASU、NTU等,研究人與科技在不同應用和系統之中的關係。
Synopsis 演講概要
Advancements in generative machine learning have enabled the hyper-realistic synthesis of digital humans. This new class of synthetic media, also known as AI-generated media or “deepfakes,” is raising critical questions regarding how new technology can distort our reality and information. However, while the common notion of AI-generated media often centers around its potential for malicious and unethical use, the societal and personal implications of this and any other technology ultimately depend on its use. In this talk, I will explore new possibilities and emerging imaginations from AI-generated media by exploring techniques and potential applications of the technology based on synthetic media's ethical and epistemological discussion.
生成式的機器學習的進步使數位人類的超現實合成變得很有可能;這類新的合成媒體我們稱之為人工智能生成媒體 (AI-generated media)又或是「深度偽造」(deepfakes),正在引發新科技如何扭曲人們的現實與訊息的關鍵問題。然而當人工智能生成媒體的常見概念往往圍繞惡意性和不道德使用的潛藏可能性,這種技術和任何其他技術一樣,對社會和個人影響最終是取決於如何被使用。在是次演說中,我將通過探索技術和基於全成媒體的倫理道德以及智識論去討論其潛在應用,從人工智能生成的媒體中去探索新的可能性以及對未來的想像。

Yesterday Is But A Dream, Tomorrow Only A Vision: Hacking Our Sleep and Selves to Imagine More
Speaker Bio 講者簡介
Adam Haar Horowitz is an interstitial imp existent in between neuroscience, human computer interaction and experiential art. His work aims to expand possibilities for introspection. Currently a PhD student at the MIT Media Lab in the Fluid Interfaces Group, Adam comes from work in brain research at the MIT McGovern Institute studying Mindfulness and Meditation. Current projects include dystopian emotion spas, flying virtual realities and inflatable pajamas, and dream control and capture in the liminal space between wakefulness and sleep. Adam’s work has been shown at Cannes Film Festival, SXSW, Transmediale, the Boston MFA and more.
亞當‧哈爾‧霍洛維茲遊走於神經科學、人機交互及體驗藝術之間,他的工作旨在擴展自我反省的可能性。他目前是麻省理工學院 (MIT) 流動介面小組的博士生,之前在同學院的麥戈文腦科學研究所中進行有關大腦的硏究,主修正念與冥想。目前的項目包括歇斯底里情感溫泉、飛行虛擬現實和充氣睡衣,以及在睡與醒之間的邊緣空間中的夢境捕捉和控制。他的作品曾於康城影展、SXSW、Transmediale及the Boston MFA等展出。
Synopsis 演講概要
We know how to write collective history, but not collective future. How does yesterday's fiction create today's dream and tomorrow's reality? How can we create synthetic dreams to reshape our relationship to what came before and what will come? I will cover recent work at MIT on dream hacking, across the arts and sciences, and focus on potential implications for the personal, political and playful in each of us.

Prototyping our Sci Fi Space Future @ the MIT Space Exploration Initiative
建構我們的科幻太空未來 @ 美國麻省理工學院太空探索計劃
Speaker Bio 講者簡介
Sana Sharma is a designer and creative technologist working at the intersection of art, science, and emerging technologies. Her designs aim to highlight the human element in science + technology, from human health and AI to quantum computing and outer space. She is currently a designer and researcher at the MIT Space Exploration Initiative, where she leads a multi-disciplinary research effort incorporating insights from spacefaring humans into an Astronaut Ethnography, while developing generative designs for space architectures and prototyping human-centered artifacts for use in microgravity. Sana received her Bachelor of Arts in Architecture from Yale University and a Master of Design Studies (Technology Concentration) from the Harvard Graduate School of Design. She has previously worked with organizations including IBM Research, Watson Health, the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, connecting and engaging people with potential futures inspired by emerging technologies.
莎娜·莎瑪是一位設計師和創意技術專家,她在藝術、科學和新興技術各領域工作。她的設計旨在突出科學 + 科技中的人類元素:從人類健康和人工智能,到量子計算和外太空。她目前是麻省理工學院太空探索計劃(MIT Space Exploration Initiative)的設計師和研究員,她領導了一項多學科研究工作,將太空人類的見解融入「宇航員民族志」,同時開發空間建築的衍生設計和以人為中心的人工製品原型,以用於微重力。莎娜獲得耶魯大學建築學學士學位和哈佛大學設計研究生院設計研究碩士學位(技術專業)。她之前曾與 IBM Research、Watson Health、麻省理工學院和哈佛博德研究所,以及哈佛-史密森天體物理學中心等組織合作,將人們與受新興技術啟發的潛在未來聯繫起來。
Synopsis 演講概要
With society at the cusp of interplanetary civilization, the MIT Media Lab Space Exploration Initiative takes a unique approach to humanity’s horizons. We are building, testing and flying the technologies and tools of exploration that will empower Earth citizens for this new phase of our collective existence. We unite artists, scientists, engineers and designers to prototype our Sci-Fi space future in over 50 annual research projects. The philosophy of “democratizing access to space exploration”—while bringing moonshots AND earthshots into view—courses through our work. We are building a real-life, visionary "Starfleet Academy" for this dawn of expanded human activity, opportunity and responsibility in our cosmos.
To learn more: https://www.media.mit.edu/groups/space-exploration/overview/