To welcome our distinguished visitors, we decided to roll out the carpet and even placed two rows of cameras to ensure a very exclusive visit. Unfortunately, we got a faulty batch of cameras that are too shy to look you straight in the eye. But worry not: they'll peek at your back whenever they can.
Alvaro Cassinelli is an equilibrist walking the thin line between Art and Science. Born in Uruguay, he obtained an Engineering Degree in Telecommunications and a PhD in Physics in France before moving to Japan where he founded and lead the Meta-Perception group at the Ishikawa-Oku Laboratory, university of Tokyo – a research group specialized on interfaces for enhancing human communication and expression, expanding the vocabulary of HCI and media arts. He is presently Associate Professor and co-founder of the XRL/AM (Extended Reality Lab, Augmented Materiality Group) at the School of Creative Media in Hong Kong. Awards includes the Grand Prize [Art Division] (9th Japan Media Art Festival), Excellence Prize [Entertainment Division] (13th Japan Media Art Festival), Honorary Mention at Ars Electronica(2006), NISSAN Innovative Award (2010), Jury Grand Prize at Laval Virtual (2011).
阿法羅‧卡西內利遊走於藝術與科學之間,是一名平衡主義者。生於烏拉圭,在法國獲得其電訊工程學位及物理學博士學位,及後移居日本並於東京大學的工學系石川奧實驗室創立及主理後設知覺硏究組,這個硏究組群專注於探硏助長人類溝通、表達與感知的介面,延伸HCI (人機介面)與媒體藝術的可能性。他現為香港城市大學創意媒體學院副教授,學院的XRL/AM (延伸實景實驗室、擴張物料小組)的共同創立人。其作品曾獲多項國際藝術奬項,包括第9屆日本媒體藝術祭藝術組別大奬、第13屆日本媒體藝術祭娛樂組別卓越奬、2006年奧地利Ars Electronica媒體藝術節榮譽奬、2010年NISSAN創新大奬以及2011年Laval Virtual評審大奬等。