The Japan Media Arts Festival is a comprehensive festival of Media Arts (Japanese: Media Geijutsu) that honors outstanding works from a diverse range of media—from animation and comics to media art and games. The festival gives awards in each of its four divisions: Art, Entertainment, Animation and Manga. It also provides a platform for appreciation of the award-winning and other notable works. Since its inception in 1997, the festival has recognized significant works of high artistry and creativity, and in addition to a yearly Exhibition of Award-winning Works has held other events, such as talks, screenings, and showcases.
日本文化廳媒體藝術祭是一個綜合性的媒體藝術節,旨在表揚不同媒體界別的高質作品,範疇橫跨動漫到媒體藝術以至遊戲設計。媒體藝術祭分成四個界別以作評審,包括藝術、娛樂、動畫以及漫畫;它同時提供一個供觀眾欣賞得奬作品及著名作品的平台。自1997年成立以來,媒體藝術祭給予高度藝術性及創造力作品一個重要的認可,除每年均會設立得奬作品 展,亦同時主辦不同的活動,包括講座、放映以及其他展覽等。
An online screening program that includes 13 award winners from the Animation and Entertainment Division of the 24th Japan Media Arts Festival. An archive of the trends observed by the Japan Media Arts Festival.
Program title: “24th Japan Media Arts Festival Award-winning Program”
Curation: The Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan
Production: Japan Media Arts Festival Overseas Promotion
Film length: 1:01:08
© 2021 Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan All Rights Reserved
由第廿四屆日本媒體藝術祭的動畫及 娛樂組別的獲奬作品組成的在線放映節目,是為日本媒體藝術祭趨勢之選。
© 2021 Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan All Rights Reserved

搖滾吧!中二樂團 (正式預告)
IWAISAWA Kenji 岩并澤健治 (Japan 日本)
Animated Feature Film 動畫電影
24th Entertainment Division Grand Prize
0:03:19 (1:11:00)
Based on a manga by OHASHI Hiroyuki, "On-Gaku: Our Sound" is a rock’n’roll film about three delinquent high schoolers who suddenly decide to start a band despite having never touched a musical instrument. Created over a period of over seven years by director IWAISAWA Kenji, the film employs many unique techniques, including rotoscoping, in which real footage is traced over. IWAISAWA even organized and filmed a real concert in order to create his climatic scene. These techniques give the film and its characters a vivid, dynamic feel.
根據大橋裕之的漫畫改編,《搖滾吧!中二樂團》是一部搖滾電影,故事講述三個從未接觸過樂器的犯罪高中生,在突然的情況下決定成位一隊樂團。導演岩井澤健治花了七年多的時間創作這部電影,採用了多種獨特技術,包括旋轉鏡 – 將真實的鏡頭描繪在上面。導演甚至組織了一場真正的演唱會以創造他的重點高潮場景,這些技術使這部電影與其人物富有生動及動態的感覺。

© Atsushi Wada, New Deer
WADA Atsushi 和田淳 (Japan 日本)
Animated short film 動畫短片
24th Animation Division Jury Selections
A boy exercises with his dog. Animated adaptation of the game My Exercise.

© Nata Metlukh
Nata METLUKH (UKRAINE / USA 烏克蘭 / 美国)
Animated short film 動畫短片
24th Animation Division Jury Selections
A day full of socially awkward moments. The film features social awkwardness that people experience in everyday life, with a touch of embarrassment and absurdity. All awkward moments in the film are based on a real life, with added absurd twists.

© 2021 Hikaru Morishige / © 2020 Daisuke Ozasa
MORISHIGE Hikaru 森重光 (Japan 日本)
Video Creator/Conceptual Artist/Picture Drawing Human 錄像創作人/概念藝術家/繪畫的人
OZASA Daisuke 小笹大介 (Japan 日本)
Animated short film 動畫短片
24th Animation Division New Face Award
A man researches an unidentified creature called “Ōnyūdō” which washes up unnoticed on an island in northern Japan. This piece of 3DCG animation is depicted through interview audio and documentary video detailing the man’s activities on the island. The film was created in three weeks using a game engine and repeating an ultra-short iteration cycle. It was an attempt to create a film using a non-traditional animation approach.

©︎ MomokaFurukawahara
FURUKAWAHARA Momoka (Japan 日本)
Animated short film 動畫短片
24th Animation Division New Face Award
The main character has a dream in which her friend Emi appears. In the dream, Emi is small and warm. She goes to school, and Emi is there. She has forgotten that today is a pool day, but Emi lends her a swimsuit. It is tight, and makes her feel cramped.
FURUKAWAHARA animates the whole film by hand with black and red pencils for an emphasis on softness. She hopes viewers enjoy the layout, which uses a lot of white space to express an airy feeling. The story is based on FURUKAWAHARA’s memories of puberty. She hopes the film gives viewers that shy, awkward feeling of youth deep in their hearts.

© Miho Takahashi
TAKAHASHI Miho 高橋美穗 (Japan 日本)
Animated short film 動畫短片
24th Animation Division Jury Selections
A short animation created using the art of folding and cutting paper by hand called kirigami. During the last half of production, the director decidedly began to incorporate digital artwork. The sun rises and a fox chases a duck to the water's edge. A reflection of the fox with its mouth wide-open in the duck’s eyes. In that moment, the predator propels the circle of life. From duck to fox, to deer, to wolf, to snake…the figure morphs into a life that has taken a life. The sun sets, announcing the beginning of the daily cycle.

Héloïse FERLAY (FRANCE 法國)
Animated short film 動畫短片
24th Animation Division New Face Award
Left alone in the deepest of the summer, Malo and Zoe are trying their best to catch their mother’s elusive eye.

© MUGE Production Committee
想哭的我戴上了貓的面具 (正式預告)
SATO Junichi 佐藤順一(Japan 日本)
Director 導演
SHIBAYAMA Tomotaka 柴山智隆 (Japan 日本)
Animated feature film 動畫電影
24th Animation Division Excellence Award
The second full-length film from Studio Colorido, the studio behind "Penguin Highway."
SASAKI Miyo is a cheerful, energetic middle school girl. Her odd actions cause her classmates to dub her "Miss Ultra Gaga and Enigmatic," or “Muge” for short. But in truth, she cares deeply about those around her, and suppresses her own feelings. Muge wants to get closer to her classmate HINODE Kento, but her friendly “surprise attacks” each morning aren’t winning him over. What’s more, Muge has a secret she can’t tell anyone.
這是Penguien Highway背後的 Colorido工作室第二部的長片。

© Kana Akatsuki,Kyoto Animation/Violet Evergarden Production Committee
ISHIDATE Taichi 石立太一(Japan 日本)
Animated feature film 動畫電影
24th Animation Division Excellence Award
Akatsuki Kana's novel is adapted to screen by Kyoto Animation. The animated film delicately portrays a young girl without emotions who, through a proxy letter writing service, comes to understand the true meaning of the words told to her by someone significant. Ishidate Taichi of "Beyond the Boundary" resumes his directorial duties from the television series.
A few years after a war that harmed everyone, the world has regained peace and is going through changes. That is when Violet Evergarden, who has gone through life clinging to feelings she has for someone important, finds a certain letter.
Akatsuki Kana的小說由京都動畫被改編成電影;這部動畫電影微妙了描述了一個沒有情感的年輕女孩,通過代理寫信服務,她開始理解重要人物告訴她的話裡頭真實的意義。《超越界限》的石立太一在電視連續劇裡恢復其導演身份。

© Marcos Sánchez
Marcos SÁNCHEZ (Chile 智利)
Music Video 音樂錄像
24th Animation Division Excellence Award
A music video for South korean singer Lydia Lee made using found footage and animation.
Faded home movies, educational films and old cartoons are overlaid with colorful animation reminiscent of classic movies, offering a dreamy and nostalgic take on themes like growing up and innocence lost.
為韓國歌手Lydia Lee所製作的動畫音樂錄像。

Waboku (Japan 日本)
Music Video 音樂錄像
24th Animation Division Social Impact Award
With a fast-paced sound and a high-pitched singing voice, this work depicts the recollections and consequences of a girl who says goodbye to her friends and the past, and leaves for space alone. The girl changes from her normal clothes into a spacesuit-like outfit and the animation unfolds one scene after another, with the girl singing into a microphone, riding a surfboard through space, and dancing to the beat. Strange creatures, desolate places, and characters that look like an ancient language highlight a pop-themed yet still quite decadent view of the world. Rather than following a single storyline, the music is prioritized in the work, which increases its appeal and evocativeness.

© Jonathan Hagard
Jonathan Hagard
Production company 製作公司
Kampung Ayu (Jonathan Hagard), Suwe Ora Jamu (Nova Dewi Setiabudi), Ossa Film (Andreas Hartmann)
Countries of production 製作地區
Japan, Indonesia, Germany (日本/ 印尼/德國)
International distribution Company 國際發行公司:
Diversion cinema
VR Animation 虛擬實境動畫
24th Entertainment Division Excellence Award
With a fast-paced sound and a high-pitched singing voice, this work depicts the recollections and consequences of a girl who says goodbye to her friends and the past, and leaves for space alone. The girl changes from her normal clothes into a spacesuit-like outfit and the animation unfolds one scene after another, with the girl singing into a microphone, riding a surfboard through space, and dancing to the beat. Strange creatures, desolate places, and characters that look like an ancient language highlight a pop-themed yet still quite decadent view of the world. Rather than following a single storyline, the music is prioritized in the work, which increases its appeal and evocativeness.

© Sumito Oowara, Shogakukan / Eizouken Committee
YUASA Masaaki
TV Animation Produced by Warner Bros. Japan
VR Animation 虛擬實境動畫
24th JMAF Animation Division Grand Prize
0:03:18 (0:25:00)
First year high schooler ASAKUSA Midori loves anime so much, she insists that “concept is everything” in animation. Though she draws a variety of ideas in her sketchbook, she hasn’t taken the first step to creating anime, insisting that she can’t do it alone. The producer-type KANAMORI Sayaka is the first to notice ASAKUSA’s genius. Then, when it becomes clear that their classmate, charismatic fashion model MIZUSAKI Tsubame, really wants to be an animator, they create an animation club to realize the “ultimate world” that exists in their minds.
高中一年級生ASAKUSA Midori極愛動漫,她堅持動畫中「概念就是一切」。雖然她在自己的速寫本裡面畫下許多想法,但從未真正踏出製作動漫的第一步,她一直覺得自己無法獨自完成這件事。富有製作人天份的KANAMORI Sayaka是第一個注意到ASAKUSA天份的人,然後她們的一位想要成為動畫師的同學 – 漂亮又魅力四射的模特兒MIZUSAKI Tsebame加入,她們就成立了動畫俱樂部,一同向腦海中夢想的終極世界出發。