Time to Self-Reflect
Alexander Mankowsky (Germany)

Presentation synopsis 演說概要

Since Ray Kurzweils predicted the Singularity many things have happened. Global Warming has not stopped, a long-foreseen pandemic has hit. AI has not evolved into general intelligence but is used to spy on people. Cars are not flying. Therefore, it seems time to reflect on ourselves, as species and as individuals. The roots of our imagination are in question. In our session I will provide insight about our evolutionary predisposition as a base for developing truly futuristic scenarios.


Speaker bio 講者簡介

Born in Berlin in 1957, Alexander Mankowsky studied Social Sciences, Psychology and Philosophy at the Freie Universität of Berlin. After four years in social services helping troubled children, he decided to follow the Zeitgeist and enrolled at a post graduate university, focusing on Artificial Intelligence. He loved programming in OOS and Prolog and earned himself the title of ‘Knowledge Engineer’. Since 1989 Alexander has worked in the research unit at Daimler-Benz AG, initially focusing on societal trends in mobility. This led him in 2001 to his current field of work as Futurist. Alexander is focused on projecting desirable futures, combining social and technological innovation with avant-garde concepts out of the arts. He is a long-term member of the Science, Technology and Arts (STARTS EU) jury at Ars Electronica. Alexander is a member of future/io, a Think Tank for exponential innovation and desirable futures.

亞歷山大‧曼科維斯基1957年生於柏林,在柏林自由大學修讀社會科學、心理學及哲學。經過4年在幫助問題兒童的社會服務部門工作後,他決定追隨時代思潮以研究生身份考進一所大學,專注人工智能。他喜歡用OOS及Prolog編程,並為自己贏得「知識工程師」的程號。自1989年起亞歷山大曾於Daimler-Benz AG的研究部門工作, 一開始時是專注於研究汔車在社會發展的趨勢。此舉令他在2001年發展至現時的工作 – 未來學家;他專注於預測理想的未來,將社會和科技創新與前衛藝術概念相互結合。他是奧地利Ars Electronica的科學、技術和藝術 (STARTS EU)評審會的長期成員,也是future/io (一個關乎創新指數及理想未來的智囊團)的成員。