Talk on Laboratory Life
Talk on
Laboratory Life:

A Model for Housing Art-Science Collaboration
實驗室生活:培植「藝術 - 科學」講座
06.11 {SUN}
16:30 - 18:00
Exhibition Hall, Low Block,
Hong Kong City Hall

英國頂尖新媒體藝術機構Lighthouse結合藝術與科學實驗的展覽 -- 實驗室生活將來港展出。首席藝術家Andy Gracie及Lighthouse媒體藝術主管Jamie Wyld將親臨本港與觀眾分享他們的經驗,及從藝術角度分析 Laboratory Life 展覽背後的意義。

Leading UK arts agency Lighthouse are bringing their unique art-science lab exhibition Laboratory Life to Hong Kong. The lead artist Andy Gracie and the Head of Media Arts at Lighthouse Jamie Wyld will be accompanying the exhibition to talk about their works and share their experiences with Hong Kong audiences.

In Partnership with 伙伴機構

免費入場 Free Admission

英語主講 Conducted in English

名額有限,敬請預約,先到先得。Limited seats available at first-come-first-serves basis. Registration required.