A Very Good City
Mathias Woo [Hong Kong]
Artist's Biography
Co-Artistic Director cum Executive Director of Zuni Icosahedron, Mathias Woo leads a career as a scriptwriter, director, producer as well as curator, and is recognized for a portfolio of more than 60 original theatre works, which have been invited to cities around the globe including Beijing, Nanjing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Tokyo, Singapore, Taipei, Berlin, Brussels and Krakow of Poland. Mathias’ theatre works explore subjects as wide-range as literature, history, architecture, religion, current political affairs. Woo is renowned for incorporating multimedia into theatre creation. The multimedia architectural musical series The Life &am; Times of Louis I. Kahn and Looking for Mies became the hallmark in the scene of Hong Kong theatre. His recent productions include Eighteen Springs, 1587, A Year of No Significance (an adaptation from historian Ray Huang’s book of the same title), Hua-Yen Sutra, East Wing West Wing series, and Kunqu opera Tang Xianzhu’s Dream on Dreams, and A Tale of The Forbidden City. Worked with Stan Lai, Edward Lam, Meng Jinghui for multimedia stage design. In 2009, Woo initiated and curated “Architecture is Art Festival”, the first of its kind themed on architecture in Hong Kong, which re-examines architecture from an artistic point of view, manifesting various artistic possibilities of architecture with different forms. 'Looking for Mies' has been awarded the Design For Asia Award by Hong Kong Design Centre in 2012. He was awarded the “Shenzhen-Hong Kong Life Award: Arts and Culture Figure of the Year Award” by Southern Metropolis Daily in 2013.
進念聯合藝術總監暨行政總裁,從事編劇、導演、監製和策劃等多方面的工作,是跨界劇場及多媒體劇場先鋒,作品以強烈視覺影像建構劇場美學,作品曾應邀於北京、南京、上海、蘇州、東京、新加坡、台北、柏林、布魯塞爾、克拉科夫等世界各地演出,主題涵蓋文學、歷史、時政、建築、宗教,包括《華嚴經》、《萬曆十五年》、《半生緣》、《東宮西宮》系列,崑劇《臨川四夢湯顯祖》及《紫禁城遊記》,多媒體建築音樂劇場系列《路易簡的時代和生活》及《Looking for Mies》等,先後與多位華人劇場達人賴聲川、林奕華、孟京輝等合作,負責多媒體舞台設計。2009年,胡氏策劃了香港首個以建築為題的「建築是藝術節」,透過劇場演出、展覽、講座及研討會等藝術形式,向市民大眾展示不同層面的知識、美學和思辯的方法和討論,探索建築及劇場的各種藝術可能。2012年憑《Looking for Mies》獲香港設計中心頒發「亞洲最具影響力優秀設計獎」。2013年獲《南方都市報》頒授「深港生活大獎年度藝文人物獎」。
Artist statement
To tell a story about a city is just about telling its facts. To tell a story about a city visually may just be telling its pace. To tell a story about a city is just about telling the lines in it. To tell a story about a story may just be telling lines and lines.
A Good Wind Like Water Production
Voice-over: Evelyn Yang, Edward Lam
Guest appearance: Evelyn Yang
Sound: Yu Yat Yiu
Editor: Ernest Fung
Camera: Mathias Woo, Ernest Fung, Terry Lam
Director: Mathias Woo