Microwave International New Media
Arts Festival 2023 presents

Electronic Theatre


50 Min分鐘

The Electronic Theatre is the annual best-of program, a compilation of outstanding animated films, chosen by the jury from the submitted works in the category Computer Animation. The selection showcases current productions in terms of artistic content, as well as cultural and technological innovation.


Featuring 精選作品:

Anxious Body 焦慮身體, Yoriko Mizushiri 水尻自子 (JP 日本) / Prix Ars Electronica 2022 電子藝術大奬 2022 / Award of Distinction 卓越奬 / 05:49

Tartarus 塔爾塔羅斯, Mariano Ferández Russo 馬里亞諾‧費蘭德斯‧魯索 (AR 阿根廷) / Prix Ars Electronica 2022 電子藝術大奬 2022 / Honorary Mention 優異奬 / 02:38

Radicalization Pipeline 激進管道, 2021, Theoklitos Triantafyllidis 特奧克利托斯‧特里安塔菲利迪斯 (GR 希臘) / Prix Ars Electronica 2022 電子藝術大奬 2022 / Honorary Mention 優異奬 / 03:09

The Crow 鴉, Glenn Marshall 格倫‧馬竭爾 (UK 英國) / Prix Ars Electronica 2022 電子藝術大奬 2022 / Honorary Mention 優異奬 / 03:00

Very, Very, Tremendously 非常,非常,非常地, Guangli LIU 劉廣隸 (CN 中國) / Prix Ars Electronica 2022 電子藝術大奬 2022 / Honorary Mention 優異奬 / 12:12

When fox and rabbit say goodnight 當免子和狐狸互道晚安, Finn Stevenhagen 芬恩‧史蒂文哈根 (NL 荷蘭) / Prix Ars Electronica 2022 電子藝術大奬 2022 / Honorary Mention 優異奬 / 20:29

日期Date: 21/09 - 1/10/2023
時間Time: 12:00 - 19:00
Ztoryteller, 香港中西區西營盤第二街2A號1樓
Ztoryteller, 1/F, 2A Second Street, Sai Ying Pun

About Ars Electronica 有關 Ars Electronica

Ars Electronica is a platform working at the intersection of art, technology and society through organizing exhibitions, educational programmes and research projects focused on the future of our societies. Founded in 1979 in Linz as a festival it has since expanded to include a laboratory, an award and a museum dedicated to the study and promotion of media arts and digital culture.

Ars Electronica 是一個藝術、科技與社會交滙的平台,通過策劃展覽、教育計劃及研究項目,關注我們社會的未來。於1979年在林茲成立,最初只是一個藝術節,後來發展成為一個實驗室、一個大型頒奬禮和一個博物館,致力於研究和推廣媒體藝術和數碼文化。

Microwave International New Media
Arts Festival 2023 presents

Special Animation Programme by Florence Lee

特備放映節目 - 藝術家:李鈺淇

Park Voyage

Animated short film (color, sound) 動畫短片 (彩色、有聲)/ 3 min 13 sec 3分13秒 / 2022

“Park Voyage” is a series of pre-show animations commissioned by M+ Museum in 2022. Inspired by Shek Kip Mei Park, Shatin’s cycling track, and M+ museum, this work captures Hong Kong’s unique cityscape, creating an imaginary space that intertwines memory and everyday life.

《Park Voyage》是M+博物館在2022年委託製作的映前動畫系列。創作靈感來自創作者對香港日常城市的觀察,如石硤尾公園、沙田的單車徑、博物館等,這部作品捕捉了香港獨特的城市風景,創造出一種將記憶和日常生活交織在一起的想像空間。

merry-go-round like a lullaby

Single-channel digital video (color, sound) 單頻數碼錄像(彩色、有聲)/ 4 min 56 sec 4分56秒 / 2023

merry-go-round like a lullaby (2023) is a 2D animated short created with a hand-drawn frame-by-frame process. It translates and encapsulates the filmmaker’s personal childhood memories as well as past lived experiences. The work illustrates how a bouncy ball awaits to be selected, spins down, and then leaves the vending machine, turning into a disco ball suddenly. Lee employs the disco ball to express the sweet yet fragile nature of intimate relationships as well as the residual yearning from childhood, enticing the viewers to enter the playground that weaves together a melody that lures them to roam and wonder.

《merry-go-round like a lullaby》 (2023) 是一部採用手繪逐幀手法創作的2D動畫短片。作品轉化並囊括了導演個人的童年記憶和過去的生活經歷。這部作品描繪了彈力球靜待被選擇,旋轉下來並離開彈力球自動販賣機,最後突然變成一顆迪斯科球的情景。導演以迪斯科球表達親密關係裡甜蜜卻脆弱的本質,以及對童年的存留渴望,續而引導觀眾進入遊樂場裡,編織成一段帶領觀眾漫遊和思索的旋律。

You build a home in my mind 心之房

Single-channel digital video (color, sound) 單頻數碼錄像(彩色、有聲) / 5 min 13 sec 5分13秒 / 2023

You build a home in my mind (2023) is a 2D animated short created with a hand-drawn, frame-by-frame process. Translating and encapsulating the filmmaker's personal childhood memories as well as past lived experiences, this short comprises playground rides, everyday scenery of the cityscape, and unique objects recalled from memories—weaving together a melody that lures the viewers to roam and wander. As a boat navigates between reality and imagination, resembling a journey of constant loss and persistent search, the scenes become slightly different each time they reappear, alluding to the repetitiveness and uncertainty of life.

《心之房》 是一部採用手繪逐幀手法創作的2D動畫短片,回顧藝術家自身的童年回憶及過往經歷。動畫以公園的遊樂設施、城市的日常風景及回憶中別具意義的物件拼湊成帶領觀眾漫遊的旋律。回憶中的小船、兒童爬架、溜滑梯、籃球場等物件不斷旋轉,時而環繞、時而略過,景物在消失後或許會在下一個場景重回觀眾的眼前,在這片轉瞬即逝的景色中,試圖喚起觀眾的共同記憶和經歷。小船航行於現實與想像之間,就像一趟不斷遺失和尋找的旅程,彷似不變的畫面在每次回歸時都略帶不同,揭示著生命的重複性與不確定性。

Date 日期: 22/11 - 02/12/2023
Time 時間: 12:00 - 19:00
Venue 地點:
合舍, 香港深水埗大南街186地下
Form Society, G/F, 186 Tai Nan Street, Sham Shui Po

Artist Biography 藝術家簡介

Florence Yuk-ki Lee (b. 1994, Hong Kong) is an artist and animation filmmaker. Her art practice encompasses independent animation, installation, drawing, and art publishing. She is also the co-founder of No Reason Studio. Assembling and staging ephemeral bodies, personal stories, and poetic visual metaphors in her practice, Lee unearths ideas and inspirations from her daily encounters in Hong Kong—the city where she grew up—to investigate the multilayered connection between herself and her cultural identity. Her animation works comprise digitally hand-drawn frames that flow seamlessly from one to another, evoking numerous micro-narratives summoned from her personal memories, experiences and social shifts. Emotionally charged, Lee’s work extracts the poetic from the mundane to explore the extraordinary in the ordinary.

Lee obtained her BA in Graphic Communication Design from Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London in 2016 and her MFA in Creative Media from the City University of Hong Kong in 2021. Her work has been shown at various international film festivals and art institutions, including Annecy International Animation Film Festival in France (2022 & 2023), Animafest Zagreb in Croatia (2022), and Fantoche International Animation Film Festival in Switzerland (2022). Solo exhibition includes ‘Broken heart pieces disco ball’, (MOU Projects, 2023). She directed “Park Voyage, 2022” (Commissioned by M+ Museum, Hong Kong) and “Elephant in Castle, 2021”.


李鈺淇於2016年獲得倫敦藝術大學中央聖馬丁學院平面傳媒設計文學學士,於2021年獲得香港城市大學創意媒體藝術碩士學位。她的作品曾在多個國際電影節及藝術機構放映,其中包括官方評選法國安錫國際動畫影展(2022及2023)、克羅地亞薩格勒布世界動畫電影節(2022)、瑞士Fantoche國際動畫電影節(2022)等。近期展覽包括其個展《碎心碎片迪斯可球》(MOU Projects,2023) ; 她的動畫作品包括《Park Voyage,2022》(香港M+博物館委約作品)、《城堡裡的大象,2021》。
