11/11/2018 (Sun 日)
Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre
2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai 灣仔港灣道二號
Duration: 84 mins
Language & Subtitles: English
Free admission. Limited seats available. Reservation required.
Trust Machine: The Story of Blockchain
Trust Machine is the first blockchain-funded, blockchain-distributed, and blockchain-focused documentary, from entertainment tech company SingularDTV and Futurism Studios. The feature documentary explores the evolution of cryptocurrency, blockchain and decentralization, including the technology’s role in addressing important real-world problems, such as world hunger and income inequality.
Hacktivist and blockchain expert Lauri Love fights extradition in TRUST MACHINE—his computer skills a threat to the US government. Tech innovators strike a raw nerve as banks and network pundits rush to condemn volatile cryptocurrencies and their underlying blockchain technology. In this film narrated by Rosario Dawson, award–winning filmmaker Alex Winter reveals that proponents of the blockchain—a verified digital ledger—are already using the technology to change the world; fighting income inequality, the refugee crisis and world hunger.
Learn more about the film: https://trustmachinefilm.com/
《信任機器》是全球首部由區塊鏈技術資助、發行,並以區塊鏈故事為主題的紀錄片。電影由娛樂科技公司SingularDTV和Futurism Studios聯合製作。紀錄片探討以加密貨幣、區塊鏈及去中心化的進化史,包括該技術在解決重要的現實世界難題所擔當的角色,例如世界飢餓及收入不平等的命題。
《信任機器》中包括黑客及區塊鏈專家拉烏(Lauri Love)以他的電腦技術對美國政府構成威脅作打擊引渡的片段,而隨著銀行以及網路權威人士急於譴責不穩定的加密貨幣及其底層區塊鏈技術,亦演示科技創新者如何地費煞苦心地拆彈。全片由女演員羅薩里奧.道森(Rosario Dawan)敍述,獲奬電影人亞歷克斯.溫特(Alex Winter)執導,揭示區塊鏈支持者已經在運用技術去改變世界;經過驗証的數碼分類賬,他們可以打擊收入不平等、難民危機及世界飢餓等世界命題。
Alex Winter
Alex Winter entered show business as a child actor with co-starring roles on Broadway in 'The King & I' and 'Peter Pan’, and came to prominence starring in movies such as Warner Bros' hit 'The Lost Boys' and the wildly popular 'Bill & Ted' franchise. Winter has directed three narrative features: cult classic 'Freaked' for 20th Century Fox; 'Fever', for Lionsgate, which screened at Cannes; and 'Smosh: The Movie', which opened in 2015 as the #1 comedy on iTunes. Winter has directed hundreds of award-winning television commercials and music videos. Winter's VH1 Rock Doc 'Downloaded' earned worldwide critical acclaim at theatrical and festival screenings. Winter's latest, multiple award-winning documentary 'Deep Web', had its world premiere at SXSW and a broadcast premiere in the U.S. on the Epix network, alongside a global festival tour. The film opened wide as the #1 documentary on iTunes. Recently completed are two short documentary films for Laura Poitras's Field of Vision; 'Relatively Free' and 'Trump's Lobby'. Winter is now making 'Zappa', the first all-access documentary on the life and times of Frank Zappa. The Kickstarter campaign for this project was the highest funded documentary in crowdfunding history.
亞歷克斯.溫特以兒童演員身份參與百老滙音樂劇《國王與我》(The King and I)及《小飛俠》(Peter Pan)的演出並開啓其演藝大門,其後亦在不同影視作品中有突出的表現,包括華納兄弟的熱播劇《捉鬼小精靈》(The Lost Boys)以及流行作品《阿比和阿弟的冒險》(Bill & Ted)等。溫特曾執導過三部劇情片;二十世紀福斯的Cult片經典《怪人集團》(Freaked)、曾於康城放映獅門娛樂公司的《痴狂》(Fever)以及2015年開放成為iTunes上的第一位喜劇《SMOSH大電影》(Smosh: the Movie)。溫特多年來為數百部屢獲殊榮的電視廣告和音樂視頻擔任導演。溫特的VH 1 紀錄片《極速下載的命運》(Downloaded)在世界各地的影院及電影節中大放異彩。溫特最新的紀錄片作品《深網》(Deep Web),榮獲多個奬項,更於著名美國藝術節西南偏南(SXSW)推出首映,並在美國Epix網絡平台進行首播,同時進行世界巡迴。這部電影在iTunes上成為紀錄片第一位。近期他為知名紀錄片導演柏翠絲(Laura Poitras)成位的平台Fields of Vision完成了兩部紀錄短片,《相對自由》(Relatively Free)和《特朗普的大廳》(Trump’s Lobby)。現在他正忙於製作《扎帕》(Zappa);這是第一部關於搖滾名人弗蘭克.扎帕(Frank Zappa)的全面紀錄片,亦是眾籌平台Kickstarter史上獲最多眾籌資金的紀錄片。