In 2016 I started an experiment of doing daily sketches in code to produce short animations posted on instagram. In these sketches I tried out different visual ideas involving geometry, animation, gesture and graphic form. I had no idea what to expect but it felt like a good new year’s resolution and nice way to experiment with some ideas I had been thinking about.
My general approach is to settle on an idea for anywhere from a week to a month and to push that idea in different directions. I usually try to pose a problem “how would I attach things to the contour of a body as it moves?”, “how would I make this blob turn into a letter”, and the sketches are my attempt at solution. Sometimes the sketches show me working through the idea, sometimes they push what can happen with the solution.
Once I post a sketch, I find it’s useful to monitor how it was received. I am curious about the like to view ratio, the comments people leave and I find it helps gauge how other people see my work. It’s interesting to see when I have an idea that I really love that doesn’t connect with people or when there’s something people pick up on that I don’t think as highly of. A lot of times, as an artist, I feel like we’re struggling to find our frequencies and what resonates with the frequencies of the world. This act of sketching is a kind of tuning of these frequencies, trying things that are more harmonious, trying things which are more discordant and generally getting a feel for how others see your work.
Zach Lieberman is an artist with a simple goal: he wants you surprised. His work uses technology in a playful way to break down the fragile boundary between the visible and the invisible. He has held residencies at Ars Electronica Futurelab, Eyebeam, Dance Theater Workshop, and the Hangar Center for the Arts in Barcelona, and his work has been exhibited around the world. In addition to making artistic projects, Lieberman is co-creator of openFrameworks, an open source C++ toolkit for creative coding. He is also co-founder of the School for Poetic Computation in New York.
利沙克是一位具有簡單目標的藝術家:他希望讓你感到驚訝。他的作品以俏皮方式,使用技術分解可見和不可見之間的脆弱邊界。他曾在奧地利Ars Electronica Futurelab、美國Eyebeam、Dance Theater Workshop和巴塞羅那Hangar藝術中心參展,他的作品曾在世界各地展出。除了做藝術項目之外,他還是openFrameworks的共同創始人,一個用於創意編碼的開源C ++工具包,他同時亦是紐約School for Poetic Computation的聯合創始人。