Like we speak of high and low sounds, we describe perfume as being light or heavy. This work is made up of variously sized bottles containing perfume, on which not only music, but also fragrance can be performed. The “Perfumery Organ” is a fragrance organ that was inspired by the “Gamut of Odors,” a description method for fragrances devised by the British chemist and perfumer George William Septimus PIESSE in the 19th century.
In usual practice that audio-visual is like the best combination in arousing people’s tensions and emotions, PIESSE theory is very much difference from the practice and reveal another options to explore how we could provoke audiences. The team was fascinated with the concept and then aims to build the Perfumery organ to trigger audiences’ emotions through the integration of music & odors. To challenge the traditional practice of how we define a “musical instrument”, a Perfumery Organ is created to perform in a different way.
This is the first instrument in the world which plays odors & music together.
團隊一開始接觸到著作1857年George William Septimus PIESSE的著作《The Art of Perfumery》(調香的藝術)所提及的香階理論, 即產生製作《香噴噴風琴》的理念,想要透過結合音樂與氣味去觸動人們的情緒。就像是我們會以高低音頻去形容聲音,而香水則有輕重味之分。《香噴噴風琴》是由不同大小的香水瓶兒組成,演奏的不單是音樂更是香味。一般情況演出者會透過結合聲音與視效以刺激觀眾情緒與表演張力,然而PIESSE博士的香階理論則大大不同;此理論開啓了另一度去探究樂器表演可能性的大門。團隊繼而創作出《香噴噴風琴》以實踐香階理論,重新定義「樂器」的可能性。
The is a collective project. Members are from TASKO inc., Invisible Designer Lab, Yamamoto Seisakusho Co. Ltd, and also the perfumer Mr. Yoshitake Toshifumi. TASKO specializes in stage production, mechanical engineering, design & management, while Invisible Designers Lab is a creative team dedicated to sound and music. Mr. Yamamoto Seisakusho is a device producer whom a specialist in steel construction, and then Mr. Yoshitake Toshifumi whose the head of Perfume Design Laboratory and producer of all kinds of fragrances.
這是一個團創項目。合作成員來自TASKO 株式会社、Invisible Designer Lab、Yamamoto Seisakusho公司 以及香水師Yoshitake Toshifumi先生.TASKO主力於舞台製作、機械工程、設計和管理,而Invisible Designs Lab則為致力於聲音和音樂的創意團隊。 Yamamoto Seisakusho先生是從事鋼結構的專才,而Yoshitake Toshifumi先生則是香水設計實驗室的領導者和各種香水的生產商。
The members of the perfumery Organ Project team are going to reveal the behind scenes of the project. How it had started and what was exciting and difficult during the production. Also introduces about Piesse’s scent scale concept and why people are fascinated by perfumes.