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Henry Chu (Hong Kong)
Selected work: The Sound of Market 《股•市•聲•動》 (1996)
Artist Statement: 藝術家陳述
There is too much information surrounding us and it is so overwhelming that we don't even notice or care about them. Hong Kong as a financial hub in the region/world, stock prices are significant to the city but ironically meaningless to most people. Through I want to turn this subtle data in our daily life to another form of presentation, which stimulates a more emotional part of our sense: hearing. I want to explore other ways to look at our surrounding; maybe we overlook it sometimes, but everything can have its emotional and beautiful side.
這作品是把從互聯網上抽取香港股票市場上的數據, 轉化為音階變化(旋律)。 這個裝置模擬銀行門前或股票行前的「股票機」, 顧客輸入股票號碼, 股票資料便作螢幕上顯示。
我城資訊氾濫, 人們對這些資訊的接收近乎麻木。身為國際/亞洲金融中心, 市場資訊為香港命脈, 但諷刺地這對部份港人是毫無意義的(不過最近股市暢旺, 大家可能比較投入罷)。 藝術家想要把這些隱約的資訊, 轉化成一種可聽可見的形態,讓觀眾以其他方式去細味週遭, 那些人們視而不見的, 卻可能隱藏著的美感。
Technical statement: 技術陳述
This work uses the stock chart of Hong Kong stock market, downloaded in real time, according to which stock code the user puts in. The chart will be analyzed, and transformed into music notes. The basic idea is, the higher the stock price, the higher the note's pitch and vice versa. To avoid the sound becoming random notes, the notes are finely tuned so that they are in specific music chords. The tempo (pace) of the music also changes from time to time; the change is triggered if some pattern is detected in the data.
作品根據用戶輸入的股票代碼,實時下載香港股市的股票圖表,將其數據分析,並轉化成音樂。 股價愈高,音頻愈高,反之亦然。為了避免音韻變得散記,每一音符會被細心調校,使它們成和弦音樂。當數據中出現不同的模式,便會觸發起節奏的變化。
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