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Graffiti Research Lab (USA)
The Graffiti Research Lab is dedicated to outfitting graffiti writers, artists, pranksters and protesters with open source tools for urban communication. The goal of the G.R.L. is to technologically empower individuals to creatively alter their surroundings on the scale of advertisers and the authorities and to reclaim public spaces from commercial culture. Thousands of ubiquitous, clandestine agents have been trained, via the web, to use GRL tools and techniques to create their own public interventions all over the world. Graffiti Research Lab splinter cells have begun to form in locations such as Vienna, Los Angeles, Toronto, Barcelona, Taipei and Mexico City.
Artists: 藝術家
Evan Roth
Evan Roth is a media maker interested in uses of technology in popular culture and the urban environment. Evan received an MFA from Parsons where he now teaches courses on visual programming and Geek Graffiti. He is also a senior fellow at the Eyebeam OpenLab, an open source creative technology research and development lab for the public domain. Evan lives in Brooklyn with his girlfriend and cat and enjoys spending his free time violating laws related to copyright and vandalism.
Evan 是一個媒體製造家,對科技在大眾文化和城市環境的用途感深興趣。他在帕森斯學院獲得碩士學位,現在也於此執教。於開源創新技術研究和開發實驗室 Eyebeam OpenLab 為資深研究員。Evan與女友和貓現居紐約布魯克林,有空時喜歡作一些關於版權及破壞的違法。
James Powderly
Flirting in the fringes of robotics, graffiti, tattoos, chemistry, net art and rock n' roll, James has been developing experimental creative technologies and media for the public domain in the Eyebeam OpenLab. Previously, he had been Director of Technology Development at NASA contractor Honeybee Robotics, and received, amongst others, an Award of Distinction in 2006 from Ars Electronica for co-founding the Graffiti Research Lab. He now lives in Brooklyn and teaches at the Communication Design and Technology program at Parsons the New School for Design.
喜歡機器人、塗鴉、刺青、化學、網上藝術和搖滾樂,James於Eyebeam OpenLab研究開發實驗性的創造性技術和媒體作為一個 。此前,他在一間美國航天局(NASA)的承包商Honeybee Robotics為工程師及技術發展總監。James曾獲得不同的助學金、獎學金及佣金,其中包括2006年憑GRL的組成而獲奧地利國際電子藝術節頒優異獎。目前他居住紐約布魯克林,於帕森設計學院任教通信設計及科技。
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