17 Oct
13 nov
MOA (My Own Assistant) (2020)
MOA (觸不到的人) (2020)
MOA, My Own Assistant, is an interactive augmented-reality story. Welcome to 2040. You have put your life in the hands of an OS which knows you by heart. Decisions, relationships, purchases: everything has become simple. It gently guides you through all the stimuli that unfold around you.
《MOA》,我的個人助手 (觸不到的人),是一個互動擴張實景的故事。
歡迎來到2040年,你已經把你的生活完全地交予操作系統 (OS),OS是一個最了解你的「人」。下決定、談關係、購物,一切都變得很簡單,它會溫柔地帶領你在四周走動探索。

Place your trust in it and earn citizen points: rack up enough and you can unlock the Premium plan.

Science fiction? If only!

MOA is an adaptation of the novel Les Furtifs by Alain Damasio. It is produced by Red Corner, France Télévisions, La Volte, Le Clair Obscur, Small Studio, Le Forum des images and Chroniques, with the support of the CNC and Normandie Images.

Headphones are necessary for the experience, which works best outdoors. Holding your telephone vertically, you turn yourself around to discover and interact with the world of MOA.

The MOA application offers:

  • An original and interactive 20-minute story.
  • A visit to the future where your personal assistant appears all around you in an augmented reality overlay (daily life, services, ads).
  • A meditation on the technologies of tomorrow and their impact on our lives, for all ages.


像是個科幻故事?如果真的是這樣的話 ……

《MOA》是由Alain Damasio的小说Les Furtifs所改編。由Red Corner、France Télévisions、La Volte、Le Clair Obscur、Small Studio、Le Forum des images和Chroniques協同製作,並由CNC和Normandie Images所支持。


《MOA》 APP作品內容:

  • 長達廿分鐘的原創互動故事
  • 探訪未來,你的個人助理在這擴張實景世界裡常伴你左右 (包括日常生活、服務、廣告等範疇)。
  • 作品適合所有年齡的用家,希望能誘發你思考未來的科技對我們日常生活的影響。
Charles Ayats (France)
查理斯‧阿雅特茲 (法國)

Charles Ayats obtained a Master’s degree in Interactive Digital Experience from the École de l’image Les Gobelins in Paris. As an interactive designer of web documentaries for ARTE, he creates participatory experiences, often enriched with game mechanics to facilitate transmission of knowledge, exemplified by Type:Rider (2013) on the history of typography. Always on the lookout for new formats to tell his stories, he is awarded with different VR and AR experiences: SENS VR (2016), 7 lives (2019), Scream VR (2019), M.O.A (2020).

查理斯‧阿雅特茲在巴黎的École de l’image Les Gobelin獲取其互動數碼媒體經驗碩士學位。作為ARTE的網絡紀錄片互動設計師,他創造參與性經驗,也經常用遊戲機制來促進知識的傳播,例如是2013年的Type:Rider,一個關於字體設計歷史的項目。他一直在尋找新的形式去說故事,他曾多次獲授相關虛擬實景VR及擴張實景AR的奬項,作品包括 SENS VR (2016)、 7 lives (2019)、 Scream VR (2019)、M.O.A (2020)。

Microwave notes 微波小提供:
There are devices at counter to be borrowed for this AR experience, or it is highly recommended to download from

MOA on IOS: Download
MOA on android: Download