Selected shorts of Youth Way-Light Film Festival 2014
[2014, TaiWan 台灣]
Petit Deer Cinema 小路映画
Duration: 4 hours (looping)
MC3@702, The Jockey Club Tower,
Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong
Panacea 心碎秘方
Director: Chung-ChiehChiang 江宗傑
Category: Fiction
Duration: 30 min 11 sec
Movie Synopsis
A whole line of patients are waiting outside a quaint Chinese medicine store— Yi He Tang. A sense of sorrow permeates all areas. People all come with a melancholy look, among whom including Ms. Kao, dressed in black with sunglasses, a dispirited man with stubble, and a student with tears hanging on her cheeks. There is only one thing they want— the secret formula for broken hearts.
Yi He Tang has been around since the Qing dynasty, and claims to have an unmatched elixir for broken hearts. Ms. Kao’s husband disappeared, and En’s girlfriend suddenly spoke of leaving for Tokyo. What exactly is love? Does love make sense?
Words from the Director
I read in the newspaper four years ago about an ancient Estonian drug store in Tallinn which has been in operation since the Middle Ages. The store has claimed to possess an ancient recipe for curing love illness. Some time later, I read about another story in the newspaper. According to Scott Sharkey, a renowned American cardiologist, a broken heart can induce a “concussion” of the heart, which can possibly take lives under radical circumstances.
Medicine that helps ease depression has long been used by Chinese doctors. I was thinking about the connection between the two news stories, and finally some ideas began to take shape. Most people must have experienced love pain, a terrible feeling that is beyond description, and that’s where this story begins...
四年前,我在報紙上看到一則新聞,在愛沙尼亞的塔林古城有一家從中世紀就開業至今的老藥局,宣稱握有〝治療心碎〞的祕方 。又過了一些日子,我看到了另一則新聞『心碎真的會死』,根據美國心臟名醫沙克利的研究,心碎會有如〝心臟腦震盪〞的症狀,嚴重會導致心臟衰竭而死 。
Replace 替生
Director: Mark Ang 洪馬克
Category: Fiction
Duration: 9 min 20 sec
Movie Synopsis
Against the high risk of miscarriage, Phoebe decided to bear a child with her long-time husband Ethan. After eight months of pregnancy, Phoebe was killed by an accidental suicide during one fateful walk. After the ordeal, the hospital persuades the husband, Ethan, to donate Phoebe's organ since a patient with the same rare blood type is in need of a heart transplant. Despite Ethan’s reluctance to sign the consent form, he went through with it knowing this has always been Phoebe's wish. Never be able to let go, Ethan decides to track down the patient...
Utopia 烏托邦
Director: 睫毛(邱國維)
Category: Animation
Duration: 14 min 40 sec
Movie Synopsis
In a well-developed country, the chief executive A.I. (artificial intelligence) Alfred goes out of control. With the mission of creating an ideal utopia, Alfred starts to arrest citizens and attempts to mould them into puppet-like through brain transplant
About The Director
Graduated from the Material Arts & Design Tainan National University of the Arts.
Enthusiastic about movies and moving pictures, especially fantastical works.
Currently a research student in Multi-Media Center of Material Arts & Design Tainan National University of the Arts.
Cobain & His Raincoat
Director: Ya-cheng Chen 鄭雅甄
Category: Fiction
Duration: 41 min 30 sec
Movie Synopsis
The talented Cobain with social phobia loves to express and communicate through illustration. Indulged in his own world with music, he only goes out with his lucky charm – the raincoat.
About The Director
Born in and graduated from the Department of Communication Arts of Chaoyang University of Technology. Participated in many Taiwanese film productions in directorial roles. Cobain & His Raincoat is his graduation work and directorial dubute, winning awards in various film festivals. Active in Taiwanese film circuit and creative projects!
生於新竹,朝陽科技大學傳播藝術系畢業 ,曾參與多部台灣電影製作,多擔任於導演組及側拍工作, "柯本的一天"為首次執導短片,也是其畢業製作,在朝陽金傳奪得7項大獎,藝美獎6項大獎, 螺絲起子國際學生短片創作影展觀摩展獎,也曾參與第50屆金馬獎節目影片, 傳奇影展,全球華語大學生影視獎,青春未來影展,目前除了在台灣電影圈學習經驗外,也繼續籌備及創作新作品!
The Snail School 慢吞吞小學
Director: Weikang Cho 鄒維剛
Category: Fiction
Duration: 33 min 34 sec
Movie Synopsis
Little Tien never feels lonely going to a tiny school where she meets her kind principal and eccentric Ms. Huang. Yet, she will become the only remaining student in the school after the six-graders graduate, driving the Education Bureau to close down the school. Little Tien only wishes time can be paused and the semester never ends.
A Little Life 蜉蝣
Director: Jia-ling Li 李佳玲
Category: Fiction
Duration: 30 min 55 sec
Movie Synopsis
In his dream, Dong rowed a boat in a mysterious river under endless trees...
Trapped in the agony of losing his beloved wife, Dong started to send messages to her cell phone, which was picked up by Jun in a flea market.
About The Director
Graduated from the Department of Motion Picture of NTUA
Genre: drama, documentary, and experimental
Theme: life and death, soul
Funded by The Cultural Affairs Department of New Taipei City Government in 2012 to film “Smile” after entering the Screenplay Workshop (Shorts) by NTUA; the short film won the Gold Prize in Taiwan Wei Film Festival (Open Category) and was screened in China (Nanjing) International Software Product & Information Service Trade Fair in 2013
“A Little Life” was funded by the Bureau of Cultural Affairs Kaohsiung City Government and entered 2014 Youth Way-Light Film Festival in Daiwan and Women Make Waves Film Festival, Taiwan 2014
2011 年劇本《微笑》獲台灣藝術大學編劇工作坊短片組優選。2012年獲新北市文化局補助拍攝16mm《微笑》,並於 2013 年獲臺灣微電影節 社會組 金獎並於南京軟博會﹣台灣微電影館放映,2014年入圍城市遊牧影展及東芝幸福影展 記錄獎,於國立台灣美術館放映。2013年以《蜉蝣》獲台灣高雄文化局補助拍攝,並獲選將於2014年青春未來影展﹣台北當代藝術館、2014年台灣國際女性影展﹣華山放映。
alaqnaadau Son Of The Sun
Director: UkiBauki 潘昱帆
Category: Documentary
Duration: 1hr 34 min 52 sec
Movie Synopsis
A story about indigenous Taiwanese music, the documentary film records a group of young people from wen-le and de-wen tribes of Pingtung in Taiwan who create pop music with their mother tongue and dialect.
Based on their tradition, the band mixes folk language with hip-hop, rap, Latin rock to transform the song into big hits that attract young locals to learn the Paiwan language.
Winning the Ocean Music Award, their journey to fame begins but not yet without hardship. The documentary tells a story about music and dream while showing the reality indigenous people face in Taiwan mainstream society.
About The Director
The film tells the story of a young tribal group with passion in their music in facing the obstacles when they enter the mainstream society in Taiwan. It helps to bring ripples of thoughts and mutual understanding and respect between the tribes and Han communities. The film also serves as a good lesson on Taiwanese tribal cultures and languages.