《窒愛》 (2008)

Sarah Kenderdine, Jeffrey Shaw with Conor O’Kane, Scott Ashton and Yossi Landesrocha
Adapted from Samuel Beckett’s narrative ‘The Lost Ones’, UNMAKEABLELOVE is a virtual reality installation that focuses and makes interactively tangible a state of confrontation and interpolation between our selves and a society of computer generated people who are living in a severe state of physical and psychological entropy. UNMAKEABLOVE presents this community of real time animated figures by means of 3D projections on six screens that are arranged as a 6-meter wide hexagonal room (Re-Actor) that the viewers walk around and peer into. Using physical torches as interfaces, the viewers project virtual light beams into this room to illuminate the elusive order of a confined existence that evokes in post-modern abstraction a space resonating with Dante’s Purgatory. Co-produced by the UNSW iCinema Research Centre, Epidemic Paris and Museum Victoria.

《窒愛》是一個改編自作家塞繆爾.貝克特《失落者》(The Lost Ones)的虛擬現實裝置。作品探討觀眾與一群身心俱被剝削的虛擬人類之間互相對抗和闖入的互動狀態。作品以立體投射於有六個六公尺闊屏幕的六角型房間(Re-Actor)。這群實時虛擬人類就存在於這個空間內,讓觀眾圍繞及窺探其中。以手電筒作為媒介,觀眾把虛擬光線照進房間內,看見如但丁煉獄一般的幽閉環境中,虛擬人類幾近混沌還帶有後現代荒謬的生存狀態。