Electronic Theatre 電子劇院
Duration: 1:04:51 (incl. Trailer at the beginning)
Exhibition Hall, Low Block, Hong Kong City Hall
5 Edinburgh Place, Central
29 Oct (Sat 六) – 13 Nov (Sun 日)
First launched as an open-air show at Ars Electronica in 1987, the Electronic Theatre presents a selection of best works chosen by the jury. It showcases current productions that are characterized by their artistic content along with cultural and technological innovation.
《電子劇院》於1987年首次於奧地利Ars Electronica舉行戶外展映,展示了由評委會選取的最佳作品集;放映節目旨在展映當前以藝術內容、文化以至科技創新為主軸的優秀作品。
Guangli Liu
GOLDEN NICA – Prix Ars Electronica 2021
電子藝術大賽2021 /金奬
With "When the sea sends forth a forest", Guangli Liu addresses the forgotten history of Cambodia's Chinese community, which was persecuted, expelled and killed by the Khmer Rouge and abandoned by China in all of this. Given the lack of historical footage from the country, which was completely sealed off from the outside world at the time, Guangli Liu uses two very contradictory sources; on the one hand, the regime's propaganda videos and, on the other, the horror images that were disseminated around the world after its fall. Guangli Liu virtuously interweaves the old footage with 3D representations from a game engine to create a unique visual story.
藝術家Guangli Liu通過作品《當大海送來一片森林時》講述了一段被遺忘的柬埔寨華人社區的歷史。柬埔寨的華人社區受到赤柬的迫害、驅逐與殺戮,而鍳於當時這個完全與外界隔絕的國家缺乏歷史的依據紀錄,藝術家運用了兩個非常矛盾的物材源頭;一方是政權的宣傳錄像、另一方則是政權倒台後在全世界傳播的可怕影像。藝術家將舊的錄像與來自遊戲引擎的的3D呈現剪輯在一起,創造了一個獨特的視覺故事。
Credit: Guangli Liu
Veneta Androva
AWARD OF DISTINCTION - Prix Ars Electronica 2021
電子藝術大賽2021 /卓越奬
In the animated film AIVA, Bulgarian filmmaker Veneta Androva introduces us to a female AI artist designed by a male engineering team in a fictional documentary on her work. The film addresses the lack of a diversified perspective in the field of artificial intelligence, which, though mostly created by men, portrays women.
在這部動畫電影《AIVA》之中,保加利亞電影人Veneta Androva在一部關於她工作的偽紀錄片中向人們介紹一位由男性工程團隊所設計的女性人工智能 (AI) 藝術家。這部電影突顯了在AI領域所缺乏的多元化的問題 – 多由男性創造,並在投射女性的形象。
Credit: Veneta Androva
Moïse Togo
HONORARY MENTION - Prix Ars Electronica 2021
電子藝術大賽2021 /優異奬
One other Honorary Mentions with critical positions in the program are $75,000 (2020), a short film by Malian-born artist Moïse Togo. Togo’s 14-minute animation, a collage of drawings, filmed elements and 3D scans, addresses the discrimination, mutilation and ritual crimes experienced by albinos in Africa.
由馬里出生的藝術家Moïse Togo所創作,短片作品《$75,000》(2020) 是一部14分鐘的動畫,由繪畫、攝錄內容以及3D掃描拼貼剪輯而成。作品描述了白化病患者在非洲所經歷的歧視、殘害以至儀式性罪行。
Credit: Moïse Togo
Imge Özbilge, Sine Özbilge
HONORARY MENTION - Prix Ars Electronica 2021
電子藝術大賽2021 /優異奬
In the short film Mosaic (2020), by siblings Imge and Sine Özbilge, we accompany three characters in a colorful Middle Eastern city that is suddenly attacked by a cat-like monster. The sisters, who hail from Turkey, already received an Honorary Mention in 2020 for their work #21xoxo (2019).
在Imge & Sine Özbilge拍攝的短片《馬賽克》(2020) 中,觀眾伴隨著三個主線人物在一個色彩繽紛的中東城市之內,然後突然被一只像貓的大怪物所襲擊。來自土耳其的兩姐妹就曾於2020年透過她們另一合拍作品《#21xoxo》(2019) 獲得優異奬。
Credits: Imge Özbilge and Sine Özbilge