Joe Fang

When you are left with nothing but a body shell, the imperfect self does not seize to struggle and search.
The inspiration: To seek the parts that mirror oneself in every story, to uncover the imperfect self, like a squashed circle attaining its unique form.


Artist biography 藝術家簡介

Joe Fang, founder of Joe Fang Studio, the project initiator of Where have the Flowers Gone

An internationally awarded designer, consecutively selected in Taiwan Golden Melody Awards/ GMA for 6 times, and was appointed to be the Visual Director for Golden Bell Awards, Golden Horse Awards and Golden Melody Awards in Taiwan since 2016 for multiple times.

His design creations include CD packing, book, key visual and corporate identity etc., and he starts to involve in event management, product design, installation design and MV art direction in recent years. His signature project Where have the Flowers Gone started in 2015, aims to rejuvenate the cultural memories of Home through photographic and installation works.

究方社負責人 小花計畫發起人

作品主要領域包括唱片包裝、書籍裝幀、主視覺設計、企業識別,近年參與的專案類型也擴及活動策展、商品包裝、裝置藝術、MV 美術等領域。多次榮獲國際設計獎項,迄今六度入圍金曲獎最佳裝幀設計。2016 年起多次擔任金鐘獎、金曲獎、金馬獎等大型典禮的視覺總監。2015 年發起系列展覽「小花計畫」,以攝影、裝置展紀錄老家的文化記憶 。