Artist's Biography

Charlie Behrens came to graphic design and video via a background in the music industry. Since graduating from the London College of Communication in 2012, he has worked on a versatile range of freelance projects, from exhibition catalogues to feature films.

His recent work includes video installations for the spoken word organisation Poejazzi and the web and print campaign for conceptual artist Koen Vanmechelen’s forthcoming London show. He is about to begin work on a new identity for The Heath [string] Quartet, as well as seeking a publisher for his book, T. Behrens: Images/Interviews — an depth investigation into the life and work of his estranged father.

His work has been featured on It's Nice That, IdN, and Computer Arts.

His video art pieces were screened at the prestigious CGAI cinema in A Coruña, Spain and on Canal+ TV Showl'Oeil de Links.

He lives and works in Hackney, London.


查理 . 貝倫斯透過音樂行業的工作背景進入了平面設計及錄像圈。自2012年畢業於倫敦傳媒學院,他一直以自由業工作者身份,涉獵不同範疇的工作,由展覽目錄至電影不等。

他近期的作品包括替發聲組織Poejazzi創作錄像裝置,以及為概念藝術家Koen Vanmechelen的倫敦秀作網絡和平面廣告企劃。他亦即將開始為The Heath [弦樂] 四重奏重新包裝,並為他的新書 - T. Behrens:圖片/採訪 -深入探討關於其已疏遠的父親的生活與工作,尋找出版商。

他的作品曾被雜誌 It’s Nice That、IdN及Computer Arts報導。

他的錄像作品曾展於久負盛名的拉科魯尼亞 CGAI影院、Spain and on Canal以及電視節目Oeil de Links。


Artist statement

“New York City is being optimised to run like a motherboard… It’s being smoothed out into the performance characteristics of a microchip, and you — all of you — are just loitering; because whatever it is you’re doing in that valuable space couldn’t possibly be as valuable as what a computer can do in that same office space.” — Kevin Slavin

Kevin Slavin’s celebrated talk at the 2011 Geneva Lift conference Those Algorithms Which Govern Our Lives was the main inspiration for Algorithmic Architecture. Slavin questions the implications of a world in which what we watch, eat and drink are increasingly determined by software algorithms.

Algorithms are also performing the majority of stock market trading in global financial institutions. They are more efficient (and therefore way more profitable) if they operate close to central internet hubs such as the Carrier Hotel in New York or Silicon Roundabout in London. Buildings near such hubs are rapidly being bought up by financial institutions and reinforced to house vast servers that are far heavier than the people who used to work in them.

Like domestic software, these algorithms are not infallible — they occasionally make catastrophic mistakes such as the glitch which instigated the 2010 Wall Street flash crash.

As a visual metaphor for these observations, Behrens deliberately exposes the cracks in Google Earth's 3D rendering technology as he navigates it through several cities with algorithmically determined stock markets. The ominous morphing of streets and buildings into eerie perspective distortions corroborates Slavin's suggestions that the algorithms now running our cities are not concerned with humanity in any form...


「紐約市正在優化中,運行像電腦主板... 她已被磨滑如微芯片的性能特點,而你 – 還有你們 - 只是遊蕩;因為不管你在這寶貴的空間在幹嘛,也不如一台電腦在同一個辦公室內所幹的有價值。」 - 凱文 . 斯萊文

凱文 . 斯萊文在2011年日內瓦會議上的著名演說中,提及過這些支配著人們生活的運算法則,是本作品「算計建築」的主要靈感來源。斯萊文質疑在大世界裡,我們現時的吃喝觀看越來越備受軟件運算所影響。

運算法也同時存在於多個全球性金融機構,用以進行大部分現時的股市交易 ;如果他們在接近中心的互聯網樞紐運作,比如說是在紐約的卡里爾酒店或是在倫敦的矽環島,會是更有效率的(因此更有利可圖) 。近樞紐中心的建築物正迅速被大量金融機構收購,並在那加強伺服器功能及擴展其容量至遠超過本身在此工作的人們曾使用的。像國內的軟件,這些運算程式都不可能不犯錯 - 他們偶爾會犯上災難性的錯誤,例如策動了2010年華爾街的閃電崩盤暴亂。

貝倫斯透過視覺隱喻去呈現這些觀察,他故意暴露了在其運用谷歌地球三維渲染技術(3D rendering technology)導航遊走於數個城市數據運算所確定的股票市場的的裂縫。街道和建築物不祥地演變成怪異的角度,這些扭曲支撐著斯萊文的想法,現時用以營運我城的運算法則已不再以任何關心人類的形式進行......