City Hack Special: L.A.S.E.R.Tag
都會特備節目: 光影塗城
Date, Time and Venue: 日期、時間及地點:
17.11.2007; 19:30 - 22:30 (Kowloon 九龍)
City Hack Route:
1. City Hall Kick Off 大會堂
2. Community Centre, Temple Street 廟街社區中心
3. Elements, Kowloon Station 九龍站圓方
4. Cultural Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀文化中心
5. Hong Kong Space Museum 尖沙咀太空館
18.11.2007; 19:30 - 22:30 (HK Island 港島)
City Hack Route:
1. City Hall Kick Off 大會堂
2. Island Ferry Pier 離島碼頭
3. Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) 香港演藝學院
4. Golden Bauhinia Square 金紫荊廣場
Surrounding buildings may also be included. Microwave reserves the right to change the route without prior notice.
表演場地可能包括鄰近建築物。Microwave 保留一切改動節目之權利。
The Luminous Echo concept is not trapped inside an exhibition hall, but flows freely throughout the city, interacting with the preexisting lights and sounds in real time. Renowned US group Graffiti Research Lab will challenge our city with their laser tagging, as they redefine our landmark, historic buildings with a contemporary style - graffiti. As the group runs around our city with their special gear, spraying their art conspicuously in front of public eye, they confront the public space with their version of this tabooed art form.
「形光譜」的概念不單侷限於展覽場所內,亦可遊走於都市之中,跟城市中本來存在的光影實時互動。由美國Graffiti Research Lab帶來的光影塗城,在我城具地標性、歷史性的建築上以嶄新姿態演繹塗鴉藝術。當藝術隊伍攜帶著機器遊走於城市之中,以激光作噴漆,為公共空間帶來簇新的沖擊體驗,重新挑戰塗鴉的禁忌。
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