Workshop + Performance 工作坊 + 表演 /
FM3: Buddha Boxing 佛打架
Date, Time and Venue: 日期、時間及地點:
15.11.2007; 20:00 - 21:15 (Popbites map)
16.11.2007; 18:45 - 20:00 (Hong Kong City Hall 香港大會堂低座展覽廳 map)
Conducted in English 英語主講
Beijing's most recent, hottest group, FM3 have travelled the world with their Buddha Machine, live jamming with the little machines that they have modified to produce 9 tones. The Buddha Boxing performances will be split into two parts: first FM3 will perform, and then they will invite the audience to take part and have a go at jamming. For Festival 2007, there will be two free Buddha Boxing performances; don't miss out!
FM3是近年北京炙手可熱的組合,憑著自家發明的「唱佛機」(Buddha Machine),他們於世界各地進行了多場名為「佛打架」Buddha Boxing的音樂會。「唱佛機」的概念源自唸佛機。FM3把佛號換成了九段聲音素材,並進行LIVE JAM。「佛打架」演出分為兩部分,成員表演完後,會教觀眾拿唱佛機做自己喜愛的聲音拼貼,並即使與觀眾互動,把現場也變成為一個依據不同音景而變化的空間。藝術節將邀請FM3來港作兩場免費表演,機會難逢,萬物錯過。
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