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Jens Brand (Germany)
Exhibited Artwork: Global Player 《地球播放器》 (2004)
Artist Statement: 藝術家陳述
The Global Player functions like a regular CD or record player. However, instead of vinyl or CDs it plays nothing but the earth. The player knows the positions of more than a thousand satellites and enables you, by the use of a virtual three-dimensional planetary model, to listen to an imaginary trace of a selected flying object in real time.
來自德國的萊曼•布蘭德(Jens Brand)創造了一個看似普普通通的CD或MP3唱機,但其實內有玄機,唱機所播放的正正是我們的「地球」。 地球播放器(G-Player和 G-pod) 確認了超過一千個衛星的位置,然後以一個地球的立體模型表,讓我們實時收聽一曲地球之歌。
Technical statement: 技術陳述
Essentially, the BRAND G-Player Products play the world in the same way a record player plays records. To be precise, we are scratching across the earth's topography with the help of two databases: on the one hand, we are using a topographic databases that contains the altitudes of every little dip, mountain and valley on our lovely little planet; on the other had we are using a dynamic database that allows us to calculate the orbits of any public-use satellite. These two databases are then combined. In this way, every satellite becomes a different needle, which sonically scratch across the world, playing it in a different direction and with a different speed. In this way, we say, 'every orbit is a song'.
基本上,地球播放器 播放「地球」就如普通唱機播放唱片一樣。根據兩個數據庫, 地球播放器閱讀出地球的地形:一方面,我們正利用包含海拔的每一個小傾角、山地和谷地的地形數據庫;另一方面 ,我們使用了動態的數據庫,讓我們能夠計算出任何公共用途衛星的軌道。這兩個數據庫結合起來成強大的資料庫讓觀眾細聽源自地球的聲音。地球播放器讓觀眾能任意選擇任何一個公開列出的衛星;比如說,你挑選了國際空間站,而國際空間站現正越過喜馬拉雅山,那由你按選擇的那一刻開始,便能沿空間站的軌道以聲波橫跨西藏。這樣,每一顆衛星成為了不同的唱針,以不同的方向和不同的速度播放世界。因此我們說:「每個軌道也是一首歌」。
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