The 23rd JMAF Award-winning Program

25 Oct (Sun 日) – 31 Oct (Sat 六)
Closed on Mondays


First-come, first-served. 座位有限,先到先得。

About Japan Media Arts Festival (JMAF)

The Japan Media Arts Festival is a comprehensive festival of Media Arts (Media Geijutsu in Japanese) that honor outstanding works from a diverse range of media – from animation and comics to media art and games. The festival gives awards in each of its four divisions: Art, Entertainment, Animation, and Manga. It also provides a platform for appreciation of the Award-winning and other notable works. Since its start in 1997, the festival has recognized significant works of high artistry and creativity, and in addition to a yearly Exhibition of Award-winning Works, has held other events, such as symposiums, screenings, and showcases. Award-winning Works are exhibited both within Japan and abroad through various projects and events organized by The Agency of Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan to develop and promote the creation of Media Arts. Through related support programs and promotional activities, the festival aims to look further into the next generations.


日本文化廳媒體藝術祭是一個綜合性的媒體藝術節,旨在表揚不同媒體界 別的高質作品,範疇橫跨動漫到媒體藝術以至遊戲設計。媒體藝術祭分成 四個類別以作評審,包括藝術、娛樂、動畫以及漫畫;它同時提供一個供 觀眾欣賞得奬作品及著名作品的平台。自1997年成立以來,媒體藝術祭 給予高度藝術性及創造力作品一個重要的認可,除每年均會設立得奬作品 展,亦同時主辦不同的活動,包括講座、放映以及其他展覽等。與此同時 日本政府文化廳亦會主辦不同的文作項目及活動去推廣及發展媒體藝術創 作,藝術節也會透過參與其活動去展示得奬作品並期望在更多的項目參與 以及活動宣傳下,能持續把媒體藝術推廣至下一代。

Screening List

Wandering mouse (2019)
《流浪老鼠》 (2019)

Animated Short Film 動畫短片
Duration 影片長度:5’49”
New Face Award 新人獎
©️ Nohara Tsukiji 2019

《GON 小狐狸》(2019)

Animated Short Film 動畫短片
Duration 影片長度: 27’57”
Excellence Award 優秀奬
©︎ TAIYO KIKAKU Co., Ltd. / EXPJ, Ltd.

Elephant in the bath house (2019)

Animated Short Film 動畫短片
Duration影片長度: 3’42”
New Face Award 新人獎
©︎ 2019 CHENG Jialin / Tokyo Zokei University

Daughter (Official trailer) (2019)
《女兒》(官方預告片) (2019)

Animated Short Film 動畫短片
Duration:影片長度: 1’20”
New Face Award 新人獎

Nettle Head (2019)
《Nettle Head》 (2019)

Animated Short Film 動畫短片
Duration影片長度: 14’15”
Excellence Award 優秀奬
© Vivement Lundi ! – 2019

Weathering With You (Trailer #2) (2019)
《天氣之子》(預告片2) (2019)

Animated Feature Film 動畫電影
Social Impact Award 社會影響大獎
© 2019 TOHO CO., LTD. / CoMix Wave Films Inc. / STORY inc. / KADOKAWA CORPORATION / East Japan Marketing & Communications, Inc. / voque ting co.,ltd. / Lawson Entertainment, Inc.

Children of the Sea (Official trailer 2) (2019)
《海獸之子》(官方預告2) (2019)

Animated Feature Film 動畫電影
Grand Prize特獎
Duration影片長度: 1’
©︎ 2019 Daisuke Igarashi・Shogakukan / “Children of the Sea” Committee